
Chapter 5- Happy 18th

Cesca couldn’t believe she had let herself forget Jonah’s birthday, he was the love of her life, how did she even forget. In fairness Cesca has had a lot to deal with and so has Jonah so now was her chance to show him how thankful she was, she just had to think of something to get him, something personal yet very special. Cesca and Adana strolled past the shops, her feet were sore and ankles were swollen but like a trooper she was still wearing her heals, despite being 6 months pregnant. It was getting closer and closer to the birth, Cesca was thankful for what she had, she doubts that if she were still in prison she would have been able to cope. Cesca is a strong young woman; she has everything she ever dreamed of, the man of her dreams and a baby on the way. Cesca couldn’t take walking around for much longer and she really had to get Jonah a gift and herself a new wardrobe. “Ces, why don’t you buy him an Xbox game”, Cesca almost laughed at the thought, “nice idea Adana but were bringing a baby into the world don’t really fancy getting him anymore hooked on the Xbox”, “fair point, Jonah isn’t your typical teen, I think he would value something more sentimental than something worth lots of money” ,Cesca agreed but it was still thinking of what could be classed as sentimental, she thought for a while and remembered the conversation she had, had with her mum, how he could only pick out “hi, mum”, her favourite Spanish novel would be perfect, a tale of two lovers, what could be better, time was getting on though and she needed to get some clothes, “Ces, you go sort Jonah’s present I will look for some clothes”, “thanks Adana, I trust your sense of style” she gave out a huge smile then slowly waddled off to the book shop, she found the book but then felt it wasn’t enough she needed something else to top it all off, but what ? .... Then her eureka moment happened Cesca was going to give him, her favourite Spanish novel, it would help him at uni and he might just love it, a baby book, therefore he wouldn’t feel helpless at the birth or panic, he loved the baby already and Cesca thought it would be perfect, but after all he is a teenage boy so Cesca decided to treat him to an Xbox game despite her conversation with Adana.

Cesca was now sorted, she just had to find Adana, there she was bags and bags of clothes, “well think you covered that Adana, thanks”, “no problem, what you got him in the end?” “well I got him, my favourite Spanish novel to help him with uni, a maternity book, so he doesn’t feel helpless at the birth or panic and an Xbox game, after all he is a teenage boy, I thought I’d treat him” Adana laughed, they both headed back to Adana’s car, Cesca poked her nose in a few of the bags impressed with what she saw. They soon reached the pub, as they went through the doors Cesca could see Jonahs silhouette, he was happily talking to Tom, she loved how close those two had got and it was nice to see Jonah mingling well with her group of friends not sure how well it could be reciprocated with Jonahs friends but that’s another story. Adanna and Cesca walked in singing happy birthday, Tom joined in and Jonah began to blush, Jonah picked his wife up giving her the most passionate kiss he had ever given her. “enough of that Jonah”, Cesca smiled cheekily, showing how much she liked it, “here’s your presents”, Jonah reached into the bag pulling out the first present.”oo a Spanish novel”, “well when I was talking to my mum, you didn’t get much of what we were saying, despite my amazing Spanish lessons”, Cesca added in sneakily, making everyone giggle, “it’s my favourite book, figured it might be useful at uni”, Jonah was overjoyed he loved it, he leant in for another passionate kiss, this time Cesca stopped him “ wait a second, save that for in a bit you still have two more”, “two more, you have spoilt me Ces”, he reached in for both the presents this time, he saw the maternity book first and instantly began to well up. “ it wasn’t meant to make you sad”, “Ces, it’s lovely, a really good idea, I can’t wait to meet our baby”, the final present was a lot more familiar to Jonah than  the other to, “an Xbox game, Ces you shouldn’t have”, “beginning to think I shouldn’t have” she winked and giggled , “your still a teenage boy, you deserve something exciting, though I might have to  ration how much you use it, we will have a baby “, “Ces, I love you!”, “I didn’t think you had even remembered with everything that had gone on, it’s been a stressful few months to stay the least”, “Jonah I’ll be honest I did forget, it was Tom who reminded me, I felt so bad for forgetting”, she looked directly in his eyes as she said this, she truly was sorry, he relieved her with a kiss that was interrupted by Tom who insisted that it was time to buy the drinks.

There was laughter and giggling they were all having a really great time which was then spoilt by Cesca who insisted that Jonah should either go and spend his eighteenth with his friends or with his family, he simply replied with “Ces, I would much rather spend it with you, after all you are my family, I don’t want to go and get wasted with my mates, do you not remember what happened last time?” Cesca laughed remembering exactly what happened, “Fair enough but we are going to go and see Ruth and your dad for dinner at least Jonah, we don’t have to  stay long but you haven’t seen him much recently”, “okay, only because I love you and your right”. They finished up their drinks and left Tom and Adana talking, they were becoming quite close these days.

They got in the car, Jonah leant over giving another passionate kiss followed by a strong embrace, Cesca loved him so much, she couldn’t help but smile, “I love you but you’re not getting out of this one Jonah, were going to yours and that’s final, don’t feel down, I have something for you later”, Cesca smiled she really wanted to be part of Jonahs life and that involved them going over there for family dinners especially on special occasions and this definitely classed as one of them. They reached the Kirby’s hand in hand Cesca and Jonah rang the door bell, “Cesca, Jonah what a lovely surprise, come on in” Marcus greeted his son and daughter in law with hugs and kisses; he made an effort to make them feel welcome. They sat down for a lovely cooked meal, a lot better than anything Cesca could have cooked up. It was then followed by more presents from  his sister and dad, his sister bought him things for the baby, a neutral bear coat, the baby would be so cosy in it and some rather cute blue converses, Cesca alone was in tears, they were gorgeous she didn’t think she had seen anything so small look so adorable, Ruth’s efforts with thanked with a kiss from Jonah and a hug from Cesca, Marcus on the other hand had bought his son a car, this was the most amazing present he had ever been given, Cesca felt a bit low, she tried so hard to get Jonah a nice gift but now he had a car there was no contest between them.

After taking it out for a test drive with his new licence, he went over to Cesca who was feeling pretty low, “what’s up Ces”, “sorry, I just feel so bad for forgetting your birthday I tried so hard with your presents”, “Ces, I love all my presents they all have so much value, I don’t have a favourite, you spoilt me Ces and I don’t think I could ever thank you enough”, “aw Jonah I love you”. The embraced in  a romantic hug, Cesca slowly got up as they were about to go, “that was so lovely of you buy him a car, Jonah you should be very grateful, I wish my parents had bought me a car”, Cesca smiled, Jonah gave her a hug from behind, “we’d better be going dad, thanks for such a lovely evening”, “yeah thanks Marcus it was lovely to see you and Ruth” They walked out the door, they were both so chuffed, they’d had such a lovely evening, Cesca couldn’t get over the baby clothes from Ruth, she couldn’t wait to put a little person in them and the shoes were just perfect, Cesca loved her shoes.

They slowly got into their separate cars both beaming all the way home, it was handy to have two cars, Cesca hoped it might encourage him to see his friends more, but somehow she wasn’t so sure that would happen. They reached Cescas house and slowly went in together, Cesca couldn’t wait to sit down and take her heals off, they were so painful, Jonah instantly came to her rescue and rubbed her feet, he was so lovely like that, Cesca never had to ask him to lift a finger. “Jonah, I’ve been thinking, we’re now a family or soon will be when this little one arrives, why don’t you move in, you practically live here anyway”, Jonah instantly got off the floor and kissed Cesca. “that would be great Ces, I’ll get my things and bring them over later”, they both cuddled up on the sofa and watched some telly, it was almost late so Jonah went over to his dads to collect his things he was so quick, Cesca didn’t have half the chance to  move before he was back. “Jonah”, “yes Ces”, “now for my little something”, She leaned forward into another passionate kiss, he picked her up and carried her up to their room, he laid her on the bed, their clothes were soon nothing more than piles on the floor, this was the best present Jonah had, had all day, the chance to spend time with just him and his beautiful wife. “Happy birthday Jonah, I will always love you” were the words Cesca breathed just before she turned the light out to get some much needed rest, if the baby would only give her half the chance. Jonah stayed up a bit later than Cesca and watched as she lay in what seemed peace, he could stare at his beautiful wife all day if he had the chance.