
Chapter 2- Kirby's United

It was the day of the trial, except no one felt nervous, the Kirby’s including Cesca all felt certain that she was to be let off, the result of a misunderstanding. Jonah was suited and booted along with his father and Ruth; they were ready to face the music. Their heads were held high as they entered the court, until Cesca who was frail and in a bad way, took to the stand. Jonah felt a lump in his throat; he couldn’t stand there and watch his wife be interrogated like a prisoner. The soft warm glow that Cesca gives off slowly calmed Jonah down, she faintly smiled in his direction un able to show how she  truly felt about him. Jonah felt an arm around his body and the whisper of his dad’s voice “She is going to be okay, I promise”, Jonah needed those words to pull himself together, Cesca was finding it hard, he could see the tiny tears that now rolled down her elegant cheeks, she answered all the questions without a problem each answer reflecting even more innocence then the last. The court had heard enough and they dismissed the room leaving the jury to decide they’re verdict. It was the longest wait of any of their lives, Jonah’s hands  were clammy and he couldn’t sit still, however it helped not going through this alone, having the support of his father and Ruth, his little beaming sunshine. Cesca awaited the verdict in a different way, despite being teary she had the biggest smile brewing inside her; she just hoped she would be able to show it soon. Cesca really wanted everything to work out as well as Jonah would said it would, she had so much faith in him, he was this tall, handsome man she fell in love with, why shouldn’t she.

Minutes slowly turned to hours, there was now no sign of patience or any calm and everyone was starting to worry. How long does it take to prove an innocent woman innocent? Jonah remembered and repeated the promise his dad had made him, each thought gave him more hope and hope meant success. They were all called back in to the court, they took their seats and everyone’s eyes were fixed on poor innocent Cesca who looked so small and out of place standing in the booth, she was followed by a prison guard, who seem to share the worry that everyone else felt. “Jonah simply mouthed the words I love you in Cescas direction, he could tell she had seen as the small scared face slowly started to blush. The judge began to ask for the verdict, fingers were crossed and mouths were silent, Jonah and Cescas lives depended on the words that were soon to be said.

“Jury, do you find Mrs Francesca Kirby innocent or guilty?” Teeth began to chatter, bodies shaked, palms sweat until.... A young man who didn’t seem much older than Jonah rose from his seat, “your honour after much consideration we have ALL decided that Mrs Francesca Kirby is ..... INNOCENT! The Kirby’s rose, they couldn’t believe it, Cesca was free, she had her whole life panned out, her and Jonah a family, job prospects and university still all possible followed by the arrival of THEIR baby! This couldn’t have been a better outcome for all of them, Cesca couldn’t stop beaming the smile that she had been keeping inside for so long, Jonah was so proud of his Ces, she had done it, he had her back and nothing and no one could stand in their way. “Case closed” shouted a rather pleased judge whose expression almost represented his excitement at the result of the case. What was it that Cesca had that made anybody and everyone have a soft spot for her, except of course Karen Fisher.

The Kirby’s hurriedly made their way out of the court, they had all been swallowed up the rush of relief and Jonah the feeling of love at first sight all over again, they didn’t have to wait for long for Cesca to appear, she ran straight over to Jonah who grabbed her with both arms, a grip so tight that told Cesca he was never letting go but not too tight that it showed desperation. “Jonah, you were right, we're going to be a family”, Jonah gave her a naughty and much needed kiss, they had missed each other so much! Cesca took a deep breath in ready to face the world, but just before she did so she took a step towards Marcus. “I have a lot to be thankful for and its all down to you, I’m sorry that I’m the reason that ripped your family to shreds and made life really difficult for you, I understand this must have been so hard for you to get your head round and I know that this is morally wrong, but we love each other”, Cesca felt relieved she needed to get it off her chest, she felt so bad for falling in  love with Marcus’s son, it was never meant to hurt so many people. Marcus simply replied “ no need to be grateful, your part of my family and families look out for each other, now let’s get you all home and Cesca you can have some much needed rest and recuperation” Cesca smiled and politely kissed her father in law on the cheek. They all walked out, Cesca and Jonah hand in hand towards Marcuse’s car. “Were a family and that’s why we got through this” Marcus stated with ounces of inspiration and love. Cesca and Jonah cradled each other in the back of the car whilst Ruth softly said “Dad, you did the right thing”, smiling sweetly at her over pleased father who gazed at his son and daughter in law through the rear view mirror.