
Chapter 64 - Home Sweet Home

It was 2 am and the third time Cesca had been woken up since 1 am by her 3 month old twins Betsy and Oscar. Cesca tried to roll over and hope that they would just stop but she knew they wouldn’t. She elbowed Jonah who was fast asleep, he didn’t stir nothing was going to wake him up. Cesca moaned before throwing the covers back and marching through to the twin’s room. Betsy lay in her cot in a cute pink and white spot baby grow complete with a tiny bow and frills, screaming her heart out, “Shush”, Cesca said calmly despite being so agitated from being woken up so many times already, she wasn’t a morning person she liked her sleep too much. She cradled Betsy in her arms, rocking forwards and backwards until she dozed off. Cesca drew a sigh of relief as she then placed her gorgeous baby girl into the cot, but as she did so Oscar started. Cesca couldn’t believe it. This was defiantly a negative factor though they always said there was going to be double the crying, though Cesca much described this as screaming. She picked Oscar up and attempted exactly the same routine with Oscar as she had done with Betsy, but it wasn’t working. It was late and she just wanted to sleep, “Come on Oscar, no more crying”, It made Cesca’s heart melt to see her little boy so unhappy, she grabbed his sock monkey that Jonah had chosen for him and began to pretend it was kissing his cheek, it soon made Oscar giggle, which made being up so late less of a chore, she would do anything to see Oscar’s killer smile, “Are you my little ladies man in the making Oscar, are you?”, Oscar had the most gorgeous smile and the most beautiful brown eyes, much like Cesca’s. Cesca was just about to put Oscar back into bed when Mia appeared at the door, “Mummy I can’t sleep”, They were all up, this waking up routine was endless, “Well Mia you’re just going to have to try”, “But I can’t”, “Can’t isn’t a word”. “Is to”, “Mia, just go back to bed”, “No”, “Mia, do as your told”, “I don’t want to”, “You don’t have a choice, come on I will tuck you in”, Mia gave in, Cesca took her hand and led her back through to her bedroom and tucked her in, she kissed her goodnight and left the room. But Mia once again found her famous last words, “I still can’t sleep”. “Count Sheep”, Cesca said as she closed the door behind her and headed back to bed, oh how she had missed her duvet and that comfy pillow and before she knew it she was asleep again, she was one exhausted mummy. Mia once again got out of bed, Mia rarely did this, she was usually fairly good when it came to going to sleep, she was quite like her mummy in that sense they were both night owls. “Muuuummmmmyyy”, Mia moaned, Cesca stayed in her deep sleep until Mia started to scream which woke up Jonah for once. “Hey, what’s all the racket”, Jonah rubbed his eyes sat up and got out of bed. “I want mummy”, “Come on Mia, she’s sleeping back to bed”. “No”, Mia seemed to be saying this a lot tonight. “Mia”, Jonah’s words were deep and stern. He managed to get her back into her room at least, though it wasn’t her bed, so no need for any victory dance as of yet. Mia decided it would be fun to start jumping on the bed. “Stop Mia”, “No”, Mia giggled she was starting to find this all one big game, it was no longer late at night but early morning, Jonah really needed to get Mia back to bed, she was going to be moody in the morning and that was the last thing they all needed with the twins to look after as well. “Okay, here is the deal you go to bed or your not going to be able to watch Pixel Face tomorrow”, “That’s not fair”, “Then go to bed Mia”, “I want mummy”. Jonah sighed he was persistent but it was going nowhere so Cesca who had been awake for about 5 minutes now popped her head around the door, “I thought I told you to count sheep”. “Ces, go back to bed. You look exhausted”, “Well she is never going to bed until she has seen me so we might as well do that as quickly as possible”, Jonah wasn’t going to argue he knew it would end badly with Cesca’s lack of sleep leading to snappy temper.

“J, its fine you go off to bed. I’ll be back in a bit”, “Okay, if your sure”, Jonah walked over to his wife giving her a hug and a kiss before plodding back to bed, even he was tired and he hadn’t been up all night like Cesca had. “Oh J”, Jonah turned around just as he was leaving, “I can tell you one thing though, your defiantly looking after the twins all night tomorrow”, “You should have woken me”, “Oh I tried”, Cesca raised her eyebrows with a smile on her face and then headed back to tucking Mia in to bed, “Right Mia, this the  absolute last time I am doing this, stay in bed you’re going to be tired in the  morning”, “no I’m not”, “I’ll tell you that in the morning then shall I”. Cesca kissed her little girl goodnight for the 3rd time and headed back off to sleep herself though it was now 4 o’clock and she knew that the twins would be up at around 7 when the sun began to rise. It had definitely been a long night! Cesca just made the most of being in her warm bed with her man, whose arms were now wrapped around her, her head resting on his chest as her delicate eye lashes graced her cheeks as her eyes stayed shut for at least 5 hours. The longest she had been asleep for all night, Cesca woke up to the light pouring through the curtains, it was brighter than usual, she rolled over away from Jonah’s embrace carefully to catch sight of the time, it read 9.01 am. Cesca had to look twice, she thought this must have been a dream “I guess the twins were as tired as their beautiful mummy”, Jonah said over her shoulder, his lips finding her neck and his hands her waist, “Jonah”, Cesca said with a smile on her face, he tried to take it further, “I don’t have time, the twins are due a feed which you’re going to help me with”, “Oh am I now”, “Yeah you are”, Cesca’s head tilted up towards Jonah as her lips graced his. The pair of them got up, Jonah grabbed the bottles that he had heated and greeted Cesca who was sat holding Oscar in one of the rocking chairs with a bottle. “Thanks J”, Cesca looked down at Oscar as he gulped down his milk, it was strange despite seeing how quickly his little cheeks were moving he didn’t seem to be drinking as much as you would expect from the movements he was making, but he was only a little baby and babies don’t have particularly big stomachs, that would be rather strange. Jonah cradled his little girl like she was a china doll, so special but yet so delicate. Cesca couldn’t help but smile, he was the most amazing daddy and every time she saw him with one of their children it just made her heart melt, just proved that what they went through to be with each other wasn’t for nothing, that it was the right decision. Cesca placed the bottle that Oscar was drinking from down by her leg and began to wind him just as a rather bouncy Mia took the position she had taken way to many times last night by the door. “Morninnnnggg”, she shouted from the top of her lungs, “Morning baby”, Jonah said looking up at his other special little girl. “So can I have my breakfast”, “One minute Mia let me just finish off here”, “I want it now”, “Mia you’re going to have to wait”, Cesca hadn’t realised but she was making quite jerky movements which wasn’t helping to wind Oscar but bring it all back up again as he throw up down her back. “Oh Oscar”, Cesca sighed, “Look Mia, you’re going to have to wait we won’t be long”, Jonah jumped in to try and solve this conversation. Jonah put Betsy back into her crib as she was settled, but only so that he could help Cesca clean herself up. “Give him here Ces”, Jonah said with a smile, “Thanks”, Cesca said, looking at the mirror in the twin’s room, perfectly targeted all the way down her right shoulder blade. “Perfect hit Oscar, you managed to throw up in the most awkward place possible”, Oscar giggled something he seemed to do a lot recently, “He has your smile”, Cesca said with ounces of confidence getting across that that was a really good thing, Cesca loved Jonah’s smile. Jonah smiled at his wife before giving her a sneaky kiss, “Right I think we’ll be alright here for a bit, why don’t you go and have a shower”, Cesca looked over, “Thanks and anything you need shout through”, “We’ll be fine, won’t we Oscar”, Cesca smiled once again as Oscar showed off his killer smile.

Meanwhile Mia had gone off to rave havoc on the house. She wasn’t used to all this lack of attention, Jonah and Cesca didn’t spoil her by any means but they did devote their time to their little girl. Jonah took a twin in each arm, something he had mastered over the last few months and carried them  down stairs before putting them into the baby bouncers which had been decorated with towels, so it made throwing up everywhere less of a chore to clean up. He buckled Betsy in as he heard a rustle, “Mia what are you doing?” Jonah wasn’t so sure he liked the sound of this. He walked through to the kitchen and saw Mia clambered all the surfaces opening the cupboard and grabbing the coco pops. “Mia get down now”, This made Mia jump as she lost her balance a little “ I can’t”, Jonah walked over and lifted her up and down of the surfaces whilst saying, “If you can manage to get up there you can get back down again. So are you going to help me clean this up?” Jonah asked, of course she wasn’t. Mia began to walk off, “Well then Mia looks like you’re going with nothing. “No, I want cocopops”,”Mia I want doesn’t get”, “Please can I have some cocpops”,Mia had found her manners once more, “That’s more like it. Well can you help me clear this all up then you can have some” Mia moaned, she sat on the floor, Jonah thought she was helping until he caught her lobbing the tiny chocolate coated corn puffs along the floor, “ SO maybe nothing it is after all”, he signalled for Mia to leave. “I want my coco pops”, Mia continued to scream as she jumped between the living room, where the twins were, to the kitchen where Jonah was. Jonah walked out of the kitchen to speak to Mia, he wasn’t particularly good at telling her off, he couldn’t say no to her cute little face, “Right here is what is going to happen, you are going to stop screaming right now Mia, I’m going to turn pixel face on and you’re going to sit quietly until I am ready with your breakfast...okay?”, “Okay”, Mia was delighted she was getting her own way. Jonah headed back to the kitchen finished cleaning up the kitchen floor. In the mean time Cesca had gotten dressed into a lovely summery dress, she was fed up of slobbing around in jeans and old t-shirts, she was so happy to be able to just wear something that fit. She came down the stairs to a blasting racket, her pace picked up until she reached the living room and saw Mia holding the remote, “I’m pretty sure daddy told you to sit quietly, this is loud enough Mia, you’re going to disturb the twins”, Cesca said as she regained control over the remote, she turned the volume back down to a reasonable level and headed over to the kitchen, “I thought you said she wasn’t going to be able to watch this after not going to bed last night”, “Yeah I did, but I was never going to be able to do anything with her screaming  round the house I want coco pops”, “Fair enough, sorry I’m just so tired”, “I know, why don’t you go and sit down with Mia, I’ll finish off here and then make up some proper breakfast, bacon sandwiches sound good”, “Yeah they do”, Cesca said in a relieved tone, Jonah was so good to her. “Right then Mia, what’s happening in Pixel face”, Cesca plonked her bum next to Mia, who would usually snuggle up to her but she didn’t. Cesca was a little curious, “Mia”, Cesca called over, but she continued to look at the screen, “Mia”, Mia turned around; she was totally engrossed in pixel face.

“Come here baby”, Mia snuggled into her mummy, just like Cesca had hoped, just like they always did. This was good old fashioned mummy and Mia time and that was something that Mia had been craving for all night, well ever since the twins were born. “Grubs up”, Jonah called through handing it over to them whilst still sat on the sofa there was nothing like a good bacon butty on the sofa. Cesca was just about to tuck in to hers when she saw Mia's plate fly to the floor, “Urr MIA!” Cesca called out. “I want coco pops”, “Mia, you like bacon sandwiches to”, “No, I don’t”, “You were telling me they were your favourite last week”, Jonah butted in. Cesca looked over at Jonah slightly confused. Jonah seemed to have conned on, “Ces, do you want to help me clear this all up”, “sure”, Cesca replied grabbing the plate that was on the floor, replaced the sandwich and bacon onto the plate before fitting it, “Luckily Mia there wasn’t any ketchup in yours so it hasn’t stained the carpet”, Cesca had stern words for Mia but they weren’t at all aggressive. Mia sat back on the sofa in a huff, but pixel face seemed to be putting her in a better mood. “Ces, I think Mia is feeling left out with the twins being around, she is used to all this attention  and now she has to share it”, “do you think that’s what it is, I thought she just might be tired”, “Ces, she didn’t get up till 9”, “Your right, so what do you think we should do?”, “Well I think we give one sad girl her coco pops and we then  all go to the park, I think the fresh air will be god for all of us, plus I think it might be an opportunity to spend more time with Mia, make her understand we haven’t forgotten her, the twins are shattered so they are bound to sleep”, Cesca smiled as Jonah paced his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, “Why do you always know the right thing to do”, Jonah smiled down and kissed his Cesca. “I’ll get the coco pops”, Cesca called out. Jonah went through, but disappeared upstairs, he had something important on his mind. Cesca grabbed a spoon from out of the draw and placed Mia’s favourite bowl on to the table with her favourite spotty handled spoon, “Mia, your breakfasts sorted”, Mia looked over to see her coco pops on the table. She bounced over with the biggest smile on her face, sat down and said “thank you mummy”, “Your welcome lovely”; Cesca had a check on Betsy and Oscar who were sound asleep in their bounces. They really did have an easy life, if only Cesca could sleep all day. Cesca went back to the table and sat with Mia who had almost finished her cereal. “So how does the park sound Mia”, Mia looked up with the biggest grin on her face “So is that a yes” Mia nodded, she hadn’t been to the park in ages, it was just the sort of thing she felt like doing. “Okay so you go and brush your teeth, properly please and get dressed and then we shall leave”, Cesca smiled and picked up Mia’s bowl as Jonah re-entered, “where did you get to?” she said as she headed towards the kitchen.

“I went to get ready didn’t I”, “Alright just hadn’t realised that was what you were doing”, “well it was”, Jonah was a little jumpy to say the least, to be honest Cesca was slightly worried about him, this wasn’t the usual Jonah she saw everyday or the Jonah she has spoken to 5-10 minutes ago. This was really unlike him, but Cesca chose to just take no notice and carry on like nothing had changed or was different. “So Mia is getting ready then were going to the park, just like you suggested”, “Oh good”, Jonah headed over to the twins taking Oscar out of his bouncer so he could get him ready to leave Cesca did the same with Betsy. The pair of them placed the twins in their rather cute, fluffy, warm bear coats. Betsy’s was pink and Oscar’s was light brown a more normal bear colour. The twins were sorted they looked so cute with their hoods up, the tiny little ears just made them look so adorable. “Right so that’s one job sorted”, The twins were placed into their buggy and the bag containing what looked like all their belongings, when really all it held were the essentials for the twins went on the buggy to, just as Mia bounced down the stairs in a cute denim dress and a short sleeved blue and white nautical striped top. “Aww very pretty Mia”, Cesca said “mummy could you clip my bow in please”, Mia had chosen a blue bow to match her outfit, her hair was all brushed and as curly as always, she really did have the most luscious hair, but then again Cesca was her mum. “Of course baby, stay still a second then”, Cesca stood up from the crouched position she was in from buckling in the twins so she could put in Mia’s clip, “there we go”, Mia smiled and gave her mum a really big hug. “Aw Mia, go put your shoes on and then we can leave”. Cesca grabbed her jacket her gladiator styled sandals were already on, Jonah entered the room still looking a little uneasy for Cesca’s liking so she reached out to hold his hand, he smiled, she could feel his palms building up with sweat so looked up at him, “Are you okay?”, “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”, “No reason”, Cesca wasn’t sure she had got to the bottom of this but she wasn’t going to drag it all up now when they were meant to be devoting the morning at least to cheering up Mia and making her understand that despite now being one of three children she was loved just the same. Jonah pushed the buggy out of the door, Cesca held Mia’s hand well at least till she was out the door when she flew off like a rocket. Cesca smiled, they were on the main path up to the park now, Jonah reached out to hold Cesca’s hand this time, which brought a smile to her face and put her at ease with all the worry she had building up in her head, it was all being blown out of proportion with the lack of sleep but that wasn’t the point, the point was that Jonah had a sense of calm, he would always put her at ease. They reached the park gates, Cesca held them open for Jonah and Mia ran through, “Careful Mia”, Cesca called through smiling. Jonah passed Cesca the buggy “Hold on a second Ces, last one to the swings is a rotten egg”, Jonah decided to give something else for Mia to get excited about, Mia won so Jonah was the rotten egg. Cesca laughed as she watched them play on the swings together, Jonah really was her big kid. Cesca wheeled the buggy over to a bench and sat in the sun and watched them enjoy some quality time together, she could see how happy it was making Mia. Soon Jonah was tired of being a big kid so came and sat with Cesca, he had something he wanted to ask her. Mia was occupied with school friends as they played it around the park. “Ces, I’ve had a thought and I want to see what you think”, “Okay”, Cesca wasn’t really sure what this was going to be so answered rather casually. “Ces, you never got the day that all girls dream of”, Cesca had her shocked heartfelt face on, and she could see where this was going now. “I want us to renew our vows, so you get the day your dreamed of, your special day”, “Aw J, that’s the loveliest thing anyone has ever said to me”, “Wait”, “there’s more?”, Cesca couldn’t believe it, “I want to go away to, have the honeymoon we never had”, “But we have Mia and the twins Jonah?”, “Thought you might say that so I booked us a weekend away to Cornwall, so were still in the UK”, “Jonah you’re so thoughtful”, Cesca gave him a big passion filled kiss “So is that a yes”, Yes it is, I want to remarry you Jonah Kirby”.