
Chapter 43 - Retail Therapy 

Jonah and Cesca were still in shock after the news of their twins being a girl and a boy, two perfect babies, the news had overwhelmed them both, Jonah’s eyes widening with excitement as his lips once again met Cesca’s before she got off the bed and walked out of the room with Jonah since the appointment had ended. Jonah instantly pulled her closer wanting to caress her body with his lips, but knowing that was not possible settled with holding her close allowing their tongues to mingle but only for a few seconds, “You really want this don’t you”, Cesca’s sweet voice whispered some rather familiar words. “Ces, I love you and our family. Mia and our twins. It’s going to be hard, Mia’s 3, but will be 4 once they’re born which means school runs and sleepless nights, but we can get through it. We’re the Kirby’s we can get through anything”. Jonah was right, they were strong and if anyone could cope with twins it would be them, they had coped with everything that life had decided to throw at them, they had conquered it all, however hard or painful it may have been, their love for each other, the way they felt about each other pulled them through, it would always pull them through. They made their next appointment for a month’s time; Cesca would be 6 months pregnant and would be starting to resemble a hippopotamus, something Jonah would relentlessly remind her of. They got in the car, they were both boiling over with excitement, it poured out through their bodies, they were both like two teenagers, on their first date, all loved up taking no notice of the world around them. All that mattered was that moment, them together, enjoying possibly the best news possible for the scan. Jonah started the ignition, one hand on the wheel the other in Cesca’s , she held it sensitively between her delicate fingers, not to tight, but not too loose either, just the right amount to tell him how she was truly feeling at that moment in time.

They smoothly drove past the streets of people, Cesca’s eyes locked on the new mums and their new born baby’s and babies, all tucked up in their prams and buggies, the older siblings tagging along at the side with their scooters or sipping a fruit shoot. Cesca couldn’t help but smile, it was a weird sensation realising that would be her pretty soon and she knew it would be sooner than she thought, she knew the next 4 months would fly by but that wasn’t to say that they weren’t going to be tough, she was already feeling it, with the tender stomach, sore back and beginning to feel the effects of swollen ankles. She was taking each day as it came; each obstacle that faced her, it was too much to arrange what their future would be like, too much to take on. Cesca had defiantly learnt over her years spent with Jonah that you have to live for the moment, with no regrets. You can’t take things for granted, you should never feel the need to regret an action or something you never got round to doing. Life would be boring if we didn’t take risks, if we didn’t add a little spice every now and then, where would we be without a little hint of flavour to our lives, no one’s favourite type of crisp is ready salted!

Cesca was beginning to enhance her new role as a soon to be mother of three; she imagined everything, Mia being her adorable self, sitting with her mummy as she watched her baby brother and sister sleep. Helping her with the bottles and story time, Mia always was one for a good bedtime story. Cesca had a sudden change of thought, they were headed to Marcus’s they had promised Mia they would be back as soon as they were done, but nothing was going to change what was on Cesca’s mind even her gorgeous daughter Mia, “J, do you fancy a little de tour” , Jonah smiled his cheeky grin, “What did you have in mind?”, despite asking Cesca, Jonah had a hunch as to what Cesca had planned, he knew it would be something to do with shopping but not entirely sure what, her face was filled with even more excitement, “fancy a quick wiz around the baby shops”, “Quite liking that idea Mrs Kirby”. They drove around both in search of a parking space, until they found the perfect spot just outside mother care. They got out of the car, Jonah walking around to the pavement to meet her, holding out his hand as they walked in together holding one another’s hands. They trailed through the aisles of clothes, admiring how little everything was, Mia’s clothes were pretty small and she was 3 but compared to them they were minute. Cesca and Jonah had both forgotten how tiny a new born baby could be, how sweet and innocent they were. They strolled around some more knowing that they shouldn’t stay to long, Jonah caught sight of a rather cute green sock monkey, he couldn’t help but pick it up with a smile on his face, “Ces, this is lovely”, “awl that is so cute, we should get it, for our little baby boy”, “Okay, but then we need to find something for our baby girl, we can’t start showing favouritism”, Jonah winked, it didn’t take long for Cesca to find a cute soft, cuddly doll. They knew how attached Mia had gotten to her Flopsy and wanted the twins to have something that would be as equally special. “This is perfect”, Cesca beamed as they walked over to pay for them both, “There is nothing like a bit of retail therapy to put you in an even better mood”, “Ces, what will I do without you”, Cesca would always love her shopping, even if it was stuff for someone else, Cesca just liked the idea in general. Ploughing round shops, trying things on, it was Cesca’s idea of heaven and Jonah was sure going to know it, so were the twins. Cesca took her credit card out of the machine whilst Jonah picked up the bag, before the pair headed back to the car, they had used up some of their excitement in the shop, but they still had bags of it, literally. But now it was time to head back to Marcus’s they were staying for dinner, which sounded lovely, it would be nice to spend time with the Kirby family, a proper family meal.

They reached the house, Cesca and Jonah got out, hand meeting hand once more, they could see their little angel playing in the window, by the looks of it the game of choice had been twister, Mia always was a little monkey so she was sure going to enjoy that game, well they all knew that they were going to sleep well that night, well it wasn’t guaranteed with Cesca, if the other night was anything to go by, Cesca had no hope, but they were all keeping positive, which wasn’t hard with the news of a baby boy and girl on the way, they decided to keep their news a secret from their family, they wanted it to be a nice surprise when they were born. They knew that Mia might ask questions at some point but at the same time, they knew she was to young to click on to anything they might end up giving away through their facial expressions, she would simply just accept that they were happy. They knocked at the door, happily greeted by a rather out of breath Marcus, “You alright dad”, “Been playing twister with Mia, she could give anyone a run for their money”, Cesca and Jonah smiled, sounded like she’d had a lovely time, they deffiantely had nothing to worry about, which was a relief after Mia had asked Cesca if she could come with them to the doctors, but she knew with all the fun she would have been having that, that would have been the last thing on her mind. “Right Mia, Grandad is going to beat you this time”., Marucs rushed off enthusicatlcially ready to take on his granddaughter once more. Cesca perched on the sofa whilst Jonah prepared to join in to, Cesca couldn’t in her condition but was rather enjoying watching them all get into the pickle they were in, in fact she was rather enjoying her camera being in her hand, taking some sneaky shots of all of them, they would deffiantely come in handy at Christmas or on Mia’s 18th, especially the one with her bum in the air. Ruth was busy making the finishing touches to the dinner, she had made a tomato and mascarpone sauce with spaghetti and bread crumbed pork, it smelt yummy. Mia’s lips were being licked, Jonah’s belly was rumbling and Marcus was getting impatient, Cesca was quite contently sitting watching all their appetites grow, Mia came over and sat on Cesca’s lap, enjoying a good cuddle before dinner was brought through on to the table, Mia jumped up and quietly and calmly sat in her seat whilst she waited for everyone to be ready and seated, “thank you auntie Ruth”, Mia said, she was such a polite little girl. Cesca smiled, “Well done Mia”. They all lapped it up, the food was delicious, “Ruth, that was lovely thank you, Mia defiantly enjoyed it to”, Cesca smiled as she turned her head towards Mia, who now had rather tomatoey chops. “Yeah thanks sis, maybe you are good at something after all”, Jonah teased his younger sister, who wasn’t so little or young anymore, she had also left school and was now in her first year of sixth form and absolutely loving the freedom despite it all being a little daunting to start with, she had finally settled in and there was no turning back!

The Kirby’s finished up the evening with some TV, watching parent trap a good old classic, just happened to be a family favourite, shame Mia couldn’t keep her eyes open long enough to enjoy it properly, Mia was soon tucked up, her tiny head rested on Cesca’s knee, Jonah’s arms, cradling her stomach, holding his twins, Cesca and Jonah’s smiles reflected a thousand words, a thousand words of excitement and love, today had been amazing, despite the lack of sleep Cesca had really been able to embrace the day with her family. Enjoy time with Jonah and have the best news ever given to her, Cesca really had made the right decision to risk everything for Jonah, he was everything she had ever wanted and could ask for, he really was her prince charming, the wish made on so many eye lashes and birthday cakes that came true. He completed her like a key, he was the only one that had a hold on her heart, and he would always be the only one. The age difference changed nothing and this was continually shown in Jonah’s maturity as a father, a great father, the best father he could possibly be to his daughter Mia. He was going to continue to prove how much he meant to Cesca, especially when the twins were born, she knew that he would make her proud!