
Chapter 74 - Boom! Weekend Over

Cesca and Jonah were back from Cornwall and it was already time for work, the weekend of celebrations had gone all too quickly!  The Montoya’s were back in Spain though Eva and Nathan had plans of moving over to England, so they would be seeing more of each other in future months to come, but that was all in the planning stages. Today was Monday, but not just any Monday, today was parents evening for year 8 students so Cesca had been up earlier than usual making sure  she had all the things she needed, her book with all their grades, notes on homework the usual teacher tools, Jonah didn’t teach year 8 so he was able to  stay calm and get the kids ready as well as look after them whilst Cesca was still at work later that evening, in fact he had decided to have tea at his dad’s so that was all sorted. Cesca had been ready to leave for ages, yet they weren’t planning on leaving for another hour, it did pay to be prepared though. Cesca finished checking her bag one last time, Jonah entered the room, still in his pj’s holding the twins he had mastered holding one in each arm and kissed his wife on the head, “You’ll be fine”, he said reassuringly, Cesca simply smiled and took Betsy from Jonah. They were both dressed and ready to go to granddads for the day, Marcus really had been a bit of a life saver for the pair of them, both being teachers had its benefits and it’s disadvantages. Cesca sat on the floor with Betsy who was lying down on her back as she tickled her tummy, Betsy looked so cute and content. Mia soon made an appearance, all ready for school like a good girl as she handed Cesca her hair brush, “Sit here then”, “I would like a plait going across my head”, Mia pointed out what she meant, Cesca’s attention was split between her 5 month old baby and her 5 year old, so she didn’t take it all in, Mia was getting frustrated, “Mummy, you’re not doing it right”, Mia exclaimed as Cesca began to plait her hair into two French plaits, “Mia, I’m trying to do your hair and watch Betsy, you can’t have all of my attention”, Cesca took out the plait and started again this time it looked perfect that was until Betsy decided to throw up the newly digested bottle she had been fed by daddy not that long ago. Cesca placed the hairbrush down on the sofa and scooped up Betsy, “Mummmmmyyyyy”, “Mia, just clip your fringe back with a grip, it will look lovely, I can’t plait it now”, “But”, “Mia, Betsy has thrown up all over herself, I need to get her changed I just don’t have the time to sit and plait your hair this morning”. Mia crossed her legs in a grump as Cesca left the room with Betsy, “Let’s get you cleaned up aye”; Cesca headed up stairs and began to choose a clean top for Betsy to wear. Jonah appeared from the kitchen still holding Oscar after finishing his cup of tea. He was all dressed and ready for work so he could occupy the other two whilst Cesca cleaned up Betsy. “Where’s mummy?”, he asked as he came and sat next to his little girl who was clearly in a strop, Oscar was in his little giggle mode. “What’s up”, he asked her putting an arm around her for a cuddle, “She’s upstairs with Betsy”, Mia exaggerated her little sisters name, “What’s she doing?”, “She threw up”, “Oh, so why you in such a grump?”, “I’m not GRUMPY”, “Mia”, Jonah said sternly, “You can’t expect to just have mummy when you want her, you have a little brother and sister who do need our attention to, we still love you the same”, “mummy doesn’t”, “Mia, she does”, Mia was clearly not going to be pushed out of her strop that easily so Jonah got up and enjoyed some quality time with his little boy, at least someone was in a good mood.  Cesca reappeared in more of a rush now, they needed to leave. Betsy was quite happy in Cesca’s arms, sucking her blanket that Cesca had given to her to calm her down; she was in a bit of state after throwing up on herself. “Morning”, Jonah said giving his wife a loving kiss, Cesca smiled but not for long as she was greeted with Mia, no change from when she had left her. “Mia can you put your shoes on please?” Cesca bounced Betsy in her arms, the twins were the ones being good this morning. Mia didn’t budge, “Mia we need to go now, you can’t be late for school and we can’t be late for work”, Cesca was getting really annoyed. “Mia if you don’t get your shoes on right now I am taking away your dolly and pram”, “No!”, “I will if you don’t put your shoes on”, “I don’t have to”, “Yes you do Mia, stop being rude”. Betsy dropped her blanket which unsettled her and slowly that built up into a tantrum, not exactly what Cesca needed that morning. She hadn’t realised about Betsy’s blanket being on the floor so she carried on bouncing her trying to soothe her whilst continuing to battle on with Mia. “Mia, that’s it your dolly’s gone”, Mia had pushed Cesca’s button, she was stressed as it was with it being parents evening and now Mia was playing up. Jonah came to the rescue, picking up Betsy’s blanket and giving it back to Betsy, who instantly stopped crying. Cesca looked round as the sudden end to the tears shocked her, “she dropped her blanket”, Cesca smiled, “thank you”.

“Right I’m going to put Betsy in the car, when I get back I want your shoes on, is that clear”, “I’m not putting them on, I’m going to hide my toys”, “Mia you do that and you’ll be the one that loses out not me”, Cesca was getting so annoyed, she opened the door and headed out with Betsy. “Mia, do as your told”, Jonah asked, hoping to get through to her. “No because she said she is going to take dolly away”,”Mia, mummy is very angry. You need to do as you are told, you can’t be rude to mummy”, “Will you give me dolly back?”, “Mia you’ll get your toys back if you put your shoes on”, Mia gave her daddy a hug and went to do as she was told, she really was a daddy’s girl, though Betsy was definitely more of a mummy’s girl. Cesca came back, taking a deep breath in, “Mia are those shoes on now”, “Yes”, Mia said still grumpy at  Cesca, “good “, Cesca replied, “Go get in the car then”, Mia walked out holding her school bag her head buried, her walk slightly resembling stamping. Cesca grabbed her bag, before straightening up and tickling her little boys tummy, “So what exactly has put Mia in such a bad mood this morning”, “Oh I couldn’t plait her hair because Betsy threw up”, “That explains it, she can be so stubborn sometimes”, “Your telling me”, Cesca sarcastically replied, “Don’t worry about it, you don’t need all this stress”, “Thanks J”, “Now come here, I never got my hug”, Cesca smiled as she slotted her arms around Jonah’s waist as well as giving Oscar a hug, “that’s better”, Cesca smiled before giving her boys a kiss and heading for the car. She opened the driver’s door to the sound of Betsy crying and Mia being stroppy. Cesca put her bag by Mia’s feet before turning around to see what the matter was, she attempted to rub Betsy’s leg hoping to soothe her slightly, but it wasn’t helping Betsy was distraught. “Mia what happened?” Jonah put Oscar in his car seat before he got in himself. Mia shrugged and began to draw on the misty window. “Mia!” it was moments like this when it would really have helped if Betsy could talk and tell her mummy what the matter was. “Mia, this needs to stop why is Betsy crying?”, Jonah asked, starting to get really annoyed to, “Mia, if you don’t tell us and stop this it will be me taking dolly away”, “Shush”, Cesca tried to soothe Betsy, it was horrible watching her little girl bawl her eyes out, Oscar was sat in his seat almost oblivious, which was good all they needed was two screaming babies. Cesca suddenly noticed Betsy’s blanket on the floor, “Right I have had enough for one morning Mia, pack it in”, “what did she do?”, Jonah asked, “She took Betsy’s blanket away and put it on the floor”, Cesca quickly gave Betsy her blanket back and brushed her little girls tears away, it had been an eventful morning. “There we go Bets”,Cesca took a deep breath in an started the car, she needed to get Mia to school before she decided to cause another drama, “Mia, your definitely not having dolly and I shall tell you now, I’m not giving you a bed time story either”, “J”, Cesca said just so fed up, “Ces, we have to discipline her”, “I know, I’m not saying we don’t I’m just fed up of all the screaming and tears, I’ve had enough for one morning. We’ll take dolly off her an no bed time story but we don’t have to explain it all to her now”, “okay”, Jonah accepted that Cesca was stressed and was just fed up, he let her cool down and offered to drop Mia off at school, Cesca couldn’t keep her cool around her little girl at the minute she was really pushing it today.

The kids were now all in the care of another and Jonah and Cesca had finally made it to work, Cesca just needed to be out of the house away from children, rather annoying if your occupation is a teacher then. Jonah gave his wife a loving kiss and a cuddle before whispering, “Take a deep breath and you’ll be fine, I love you Ces”, “I love you to”, she took a deep breath and headed for school she had things to get on with and Jonah was busy chatting away to the boys, Will and Tom. “Gosh, you look flushed”, Adanna greeted her friend “Gee, thanks”, Cesca said in reply, “Sorry I didn’t mean... I..”, “Sorry, just a bit stressed this morning”, “What’s up?”, “Try looking after a 5 year old going on 16”, “Ah, sounds like fun”, “Oh it is, this morning she wanted me to plait her hair and I couldn’t concentrate cause I was watching Betsy so she got annoyed and then Betsy threw up everywhere so I couldn’t do what she wanted me to do so she played up, throwing a tantrum and then winding Betsy up by taking her blanket away, god she annoyed me this morning”, “Just as well you came here to get away from the kids then isn’t it”, Cesca smiled, that was a one liner and a half. Cesca had her bag over her arm as she headed to her classroom to prepare for today’s lessons, she wanted to make sure she was prepared, plus she needed that time to just cool off, Mia really had wound her up, she was already stressed with the fact it was parents evening, she didn’t mean to get angry at Mia, but she pushed it to far by taking out her frustration on Betsy and she wasn’t going to let her be horrible, it wasn’t the Mia she was bringing up. She really valued Jonah’s input and the respect he had for her that little help she got from Jonah gave her a bit of a boost. Her first class were year 8, a lovely class generally. “morning”, she greeted them as they entered the room, she put out a text book on to each of their desks, “Read the passage at the top of the page and complete the task in front of you, I don’t mind chatting as long as you get on with your work”, Cesca reached a very enthusiastic Esme, Cesca had really built up a respect between the two. Cesca was the one that Esme turned to when she felt homesick or down. She had really settled in with the confidence boost Cesca gave her, she was able to shine in her best subject, her own language. Cesca smiled, “I like your bracelet Esme”, “Thanks Miss, my mum sent it to me”, “It’s very pretty”, Esme found herself grinning from ear to ear. The class got on with their  work which was as expected and Cesca finished it off by reminding them to make sure they had appointments for parents evening with her, Esme quickly got up, “Miss”, “Yes”, Cesca replied, she was putting the textbooks into a neater pile, “Can I swap my time with you?”, “Of course, let me have a look”, “Can it be later if possible my dad doesn’t finish work till late tonight”, “Ah, I see. Of course is half 5 okay?”, “Got anything a bit later?”, “The only other appointment I have is at 7, the last one”, “Miss, that’s perfect”, “Okay, I shall see you later”. Cesca pencilled Esme into the later slot before preparing for her next class, GCSE Spanish now this was sure to be fun.

It was soon enough last lesson Jonah was packing up his stuff and preparing to leave he had to pick Mia up from school before heading to his dad’s, he still wasn’t sure how Mia was going to be with no toys and no bed time story a punishment for the events of this morning. He headed to Cesca’s classroom to see how she was doing. He knocked on her door sticking his head round it, “You all sorted”, she looked up smiling, “Almost”, and he walked in further into her classroom. He pulled her closer as they shared a passionate kiss, “I think I’ll be alright”, She bit her lip, her eyes catching the time on the clock, 3.30 “You better get going I’ve got an appointment due and you need to get Mia”, “Yes cause I really fancy dealing with a stroppy 5 year old”, “J, you’ll be fine”, “Okay, see you at home, I love you”, “Love you too”. Cesca sat back at her desk and opened her book just in time for her first pupil. Jonah had managed to arrive at his dad’s without any tantrums from Mia, she had cooled off since this morning but she was still pretty icy about the fact her favourite dolly was being taken away from her. “Mia, we are going to have a lovely time at Granddads with Auntie Ruth, no playing up, promise me?”, Mia was silent, “Mia”, “Okay I promise, come on then they’ll be waiting for us”, Mia hopped out of the car and took Jonah’s hand as they walked up the path, Marcus was already at the door waiting holding a very excited little man “Hey Oscar”, Jonah said as he took his little boy off his dad, Oscar really was the cutest little boy, he was being so good recently he would sleep most of the night, well at least till 6 but that wasn’t too bad especially if you were woken up to be greeted by his beaming smile, made the early morning seem that much brighter. Mia went and sat on Ruth’s lap; Betsy had fallen asleep and was in her car seat. Back at school Cesca was getting so fed up, she was just finishing up with Nikki, who was one of her nicer appointments, there wasn’t anything to bring to attention with her it was just filling her parents in on her progress, “Well Nikki, overall I am very pleased with how your progress and how you have settled in, the only thing I would say really is maybe to be more confident answer questions, you’re a bright student you know the answer”, “Thanks Cesca”, “No problem Eleanor”, “I’ll see you in class then Nikki, can you tell...”, Cesca looked at her list, she had reached her final appointment it was such a relief”, “Esme to come in”, Nikki and Eleanor got up, Eleanor giving her daughter a very proud hug, Cesca smiled there was something so special about the pair of them and the bond they shared despite being separated for such a long time. Cesca looked down at her book finding Esme’s name, “Hey Miss, this is my dad”, Cesca began to speak before looking up, “Hey, I’m Mrs Kirby, I teach Esme Spanish”, “So you’re the Spanish teacher that Esme is so fond of”, Cesca could feel her cheeks burn up, “So Esme is doing really...”, Cesca looked up not able to get her words out suddenly, “Cesca”, Ivan, Esme’s dad said just as shocked as she was. “Ivan!?” Esme sat there completely confused by the situation it was clear her dad and her Spanish teacher knew each other, she didn’t know what to do, and she was just sat there in the awkwardness feeling like piggy in the middle!